Genéza západného svetonázoru
Nowadays, it is widely believed that the current atheist worldview is the product of unshakable scientific truth, real knowledge. However, the details of the historical transformation of Western thought presented in this work challenge such a view.
The problem begins with historiography. Various episodes and people crucial to understanding our present, while still traceable, are hidden from students and sometimes treated as well-kept secrets—a bias that is deeply rooted. If academic textbooks deal with certain historical events at all, they interpret them romantically, omit driving figures, or leave out motivations. In this sense, academia is not very different from the mainstream liberal media and Hollywood.
We often hear that a layman cannot achieve results comparable to professionals. While this claim seems plausible, it is questionable because the public education system too often becomes more of a burden than a benefit to students as they attempt to gain knowledge. On the contrary, lay ambitions for knowledge are spared such a burden.
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